Teen Appropriate activites make a difference!

When you think of a pediatric hospital, we are betting the first thing you think of has nothing to do with a teen or young adult.

Many people do not know that teens and young adults between the ages of 13-29 are often treated in pediatric hospitals. When a teenager is facing cancer, empowering mental health skills and coping strategies are instrumental in supporting their wellbeing. This includes having age appropriate activities to help pass the time during treatment.

As part of our mission The MIP Foundation provides “teen toys” to the Oncology Child Life teams of our hospital partners. A child life specialist then uses the “toy” to engage in a conversation with a patient, allowing them to check in on how they are doing- both mentally and physically. Teens can be reluctant to engage in a conversation and a “teen toy” helps to make that conversation possible.

Importantly, the activity then not only helps to pass the time while receiving chemo, blood products, waiting for a procedure, or being inpatient, it allows a teen to relax and destress.

By far, the most popular item that we donate are Legos. Why are Lego’s so popular? They encourage mindfulness which lowers stress, reduces anxiety, and encourages relaxation.  Even Lego agrees with us! https://www.lego.com/en-us/categories/adults-welcome/article/mindfulness

Would your business or company like to organize a teen toy drive?

please email melissa to discuss!