If you are here because you are an AYA, welcome!!! YOU are amazing! Right now, give yourself a pat on the back and say “yup, I am dang amazing!!! Because you are. We want you to know that WE SEE YOU!!!

You getting diagnosed with cancer really and truly sucks. It is unfair, it is hard, it is a disruption, it is the biggest pain in your butt, happened at the worst possible time in your life and….I could go on and on!!

But here is the thing, you are surrounded by people that care for you. Some you don’t know but they are still rooting for you with all their hearts. Everyone is; your medical team, your family, your friends, your anybody and that includes #TeamMIP! When The MIP Foundation was asked to support you during AYA Cancer Awareness Month we said heck yes, count us in!! Because we will never miss a chance to tell you how amazing you are!

You are officially a MIP now, truly a Most Important Person. Enjoy all these messages that people have left, just for you!! And know we are all sending you strength and positive vibes to keep on keeping forward until you walk through cancer and come out the other side.

With a hug,